Top 5 Music & TV recommendations for 2021
How many times have you just started something on Netflix, or hit shuffle on Spotify because you don’t know what the heck to listen to or watch.

The world we live in right now is swamped with things that are trying to get your attention. And so, it comes as no surprise, that it is really hard to find something of value in all the muck. How many times have you just started something on Netflix, or hit shuffle on Spotify because you don’t know what the heck to listen to or watch.
So, let’s start here a little recommendation list, of things that you might not like, but I do, and you should give them a try anyway.
Recommendation #1 of 2021
TV Show - Lodge 49
Now this here is a TV show I haven't noticed many people talking about, but it's perfect for our times. The themes it looks into are about the little man trying to fight his Goliath, taking on the capitalist machine and well, mostly losing. Which sounds a little like life itself. But there are some wins, and mostly, there are reasons for trying to keep on keeping on, holding up that good fight and getting out of bed every morning.

It’s also about mysterious lodges, adult men listening to audio books in their cars and the sociopathy of corporate america. It's also damn funny, filled with heart and emotion, and can make you smile, even if you watch it alone.
The only 2 seasons created are already out, and as of this writing, the shows been canceled. But don't let that stop you, dip you big toe into the mysteries of the Lynx lodge 29, and you can thank me later.
Fun fact, that's Kurt Russell’s son in the leading role.

Recommendation #2 of 2021
Album - 'Happy Occident' by Slow meadow.
A terrific artist with a great album. If you fancy a restful drift through outer space (with violins), this is your ballgame.
Seriously though, this came across my radar and I just can't let go of this album. Such beauty and depth. Now, this is for serious introspection only. This music will hardly get you out of bed in the morning, but it will remind you of the beauty to be found in life, and sometimes sadness as well.
The emotions to be found here are something we all connect to. Although it's a little like the cave in Empire Strikes Back that Luke goes into on Dagobah, what you'll find in there is really what you bring with you.
Perfect for strapping on a pair of headphones, pushing the pause button on the tape deck called 'Life', and really spacing out for the remainder of the album.
Afterwards, I'll welcome you back to Planet Earth.

Recommendation #3 of 2021
TV Show - Black Monday.
Black Monday is a very funny show, a hard talking satire of the fall of Wall Street in the 80's seen through the eyes of a bunch of low life con men (and women). Starring an always truthful Don Cheadle, this one season (so far, although I think they’ll start shooting season 2 in the second half of 2020) is a blast to bulldoze your way though while staying at home 'cause you called in sick on tuesday because you just couldn't anything anymore, even if it's just for one day.
So hang back and blast though the 80's, wall street style. Just be ready for a lot of curse words.

Recommendation #4 of 2021
Album - 'My Finest Work Yet' by Andrew Bird.
And excellent, intimate album. Great for listening to alone and wondering what could have been, or could be. Andrew Bird is a very consistent artist, and most of his albums contain at least one terrific song.

Recommendation #5 of 2021
Album - 'The Serpents Mouth by Baca Rythm and Steel Band.
These guys are the find of last year. Came across them on Bandcamp, and just try and tell me they aren't the coolest cats around, with their heavy beats and delicious caribbean take on the sound of Funk.
If you've got the subwoofer for it, these guys will shake your house (or car, dependent on where you do most of your listening).
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