Creating an Adaptive Creativity System There is no Nike commercial that can orchestrate your inner music. There is no "just do it" for the complex strings that compose us.
My Exciting Experiment Of Typing Slowly On My Keyboard This blog post is a meditative journaling entry. A flowing of words. I delve into the introspective journey of how simple changes in my daily writing tools, in this case typing slower on my keyboard, impacts my thoughts.
Big Tiny Tips That Help Me Write I pay more attention to the 'soil and roots' of my writing process. My body, my mental state, nutrition and sleep.
My Chitchat Before A Writing Session I was about to go into a writing session just now and I thought it would be an excellent idea write a bit about it before I start. The shadow side of me suspects that this is a camouflaged procrastination, but in all honesty, most things can be defined as
Knit, Count, Breathe - Protecting Your Creative Mood My mother used to knit like there was no tomorrow. There was always something peaceful and harmonious about watching her click the pins through the wool.
On Writing And Being A Bee If you sting, you die. If you make honey, you nurture. That is if you're a bee. I sometimes think about being a beekeeper and find it a helpful metaphor for writing. I have to go slow not to get stung by the inner critic.
The Power of Save The Cat, the Book that Demystifyed Screenwriting Blake gave us all a tool. Like the child in H.C. Andersen's story, Blake pointed to the Emperor to tell us that he didn't need to act all that fancy. Save the Cat didn't only demystify scriptwriting, it allowed us to see with childlike eyes so we could all go deeper into the magic world.